David Avruch, LCSW-C

Psychotherapy, Social Work, Sociology

A visit to Chicago

Recently I had the chance to go to Chicago to speak at an international conference hosted by MINT, the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers. This is the global body responsible for the dissemination of wisdom about the therapeutic modality known as Motivational Interviewing.

The MINTies, as they call themselves, were interested in my coauthored article “Macro MI: Using Motivational Interviewing to Address Socially-Engineered Trauma”. Being invited to share my ideas in this space was absolutely a career highlight - as was getting to meet Bill Miller, a founder of MI and one of the most famous living therapists.

I’m incredibly grateful to MINT for the opportunity to contribute to their essential work. It’s not too much of an overstatement to say that Motivational Interviewing forms the bedrock of contemporary ethical human services direct practice. To be taken seriously be these folks felt validating on a deep level.

Feel free to check out my talk: